

Produkty CDVI zostały zaprojektowane do współpracy jako kompletne rozwiązania kontroli dostępu od A do Z. Projektując produkty specjalnie pod kątem integracji i kompatybilności, można stworzyć dla swoich klientów kompleksowe systemy, które pokonują wszystkie wyzwania związane z dostępem w jednym prostym rozwiązaniu.

  • Group of children running and smiling away from a school entrance

    Access Control for Education

    There are few things more important than the safety and security of schools and universities. With large numbers of staff,…

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  • Kontrola dostępu dla biur

    Biura i obiekty korporacyjne mają wiele do dopilnowania: swoich pracowników, duże ilości drogiego sprzętu i często wrażliwe dane. Wiedza o…

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  • Access Control for Offices

    Offices and corporate facilities have a lot to take care of: their workforce, large quantities of expensive equipment, and often…

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  • Access Control for Holiday Accommodation

    By their nature, holiday accommodation providers have to handle a large number of different visitors coming and going constantly, sometimes…

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  • Access Control for Government Buildings

    Government buildings at both national and local levels often have large bodies of staff and many visitors entering and moving…

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  • A closeup of a man dropping a coin into a pink piggybank to signify saving money

    Access Control for Banks & Finance

    Banks and financial institutions are high security environments that demand the most robust systems. Protecting valuable assets, technology, and data,…

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  • An sign sits on a surface in front of a pretty vase of flowers reading 'welcome' and 'open' to signify a small business

    Access Control for Small Businesses

    Small business owners have a lot to think about. They are sales reps, marketers, accountants, shelf stackers, buyers, recruiters, cleaners,…

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  • A side view of a man and a woman running on a treadmill at the gym

    Access Control for Gyms & Leisure Centres

    Gyms and leisure facilities have become an essential part of day-to-day life for millions of people. How can these facilities…

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